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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Rhino Ultimatum - the fight is on to save the remaining Rhinos!

Rhinos all over the world are being killed for their horns and shot by hunters etc. Their numbers are dwindling and the lack of political will as well as a possible lifting of the ban on trading with Rhino horns put these magnificient beings at further risk. Wild Time spoke with Marianne du Plessis, director of the NGO Section 24 Rights Coalition about theit 9-points-plan to save the Rhinos from going extinct. Yet another heartfelt conversation with people who give all they have and more to help the voiceless - a must listen


Sign the petition here

NGO Section 24 Rights Coalition on facebook

Visit Rhino Welfare SA

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for you interview of Marianne, Thomaas as this highlights exactly what is going on and the huge fight in which we are facing.

    International Animal Rescue Foundation
